Lyrics Bir HAYAT - Talib al-Habib-НАШИД КАЛИМАТАН-the Seal of al-Bukhari

Song title
Talib al-Habib-НАШИД КАЛИМАТАН-the Seal of al-Bukhari
Date added
01.06.2014 | 07:48:14
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Bir HAYAT - Talib al-Habib-НАШИД КАЛИМАТАН-the Seal of al-Bukhari, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Kalimatan habibatan ila ar-Rahman
Khafifatan `ala al-lisan, thaqilatan fi al-mizan
Subhanallahi wa bi hamdih, subhanallahi al-azim

Сообщается, что пророк, (салляллаху ‘алейхи уа саллям), сказал:

"Есть два слова, которые любит Милостивый: для языка они легки, а на Весах будут тяжелы. (Это слова) "Слава Аллаху и хвала Ему, слава Великому Аллаху!" /Субхана-Ллахи ва би хамди-хи, субхана-Ллахи-ль- 'Азым!/".

(Аль-Бухари; Муслим.)
Kalimatan habibatan ila ar-Rahman
Khafifatan `ala al-lisan, thaqilatan fi al-mizan
Subhanallahi wa bi hamdih, subhanallahi al-azim

It is reported that the Prophet ( sallallahu ' alayhi wasallam ) said :

"There are two words that loves merciful : for they are easy language , and Libra will be heavy. (That's the word) " Praise be to Allah and praise Him , thank Allah is great ! " / Subhan - Allaah wa bi Hamdi hee, Subhan - Allaah al- ' Azym ! / " .

( Al-Bukhari , Muslim ).
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