Lyrics Маріетта - Пташечка

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Date added
25.09.2017 | 13:20:04
Views 88
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Маріетта - Пташечка, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Увага у нас вiкторина
У мiстi дванадцать годин обiд
А хто наче дитина
Ще досi у лiжку спить
Може це Кирило, може дiджей Саша
Може це Антон всiх вечiрок гуру
Але вiдповiдь не вiрна ваша
Це мiй бойфренд якого я люблю

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Увага i ще я питтаня
Хто вчора всю нiч гуляв
У клубi, а потiм до рання
iз друзями пiснi спiвав
Може це Андрiй, може эмо Саша
Може це Потап у репi гуру
Але вiдповiдь не вiрна ваша
Це мiй бойфренд якому я дзвоню!

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пташечка пташечка

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Добрий ранок пташечка моя
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Attention to our quiz
In the city there are twelve o'clock dinner
And who is like a child
Still sleeping on the bed
Maybe it's Cyril, maybe Digi Sasha
Maybe it's Anton of all gourmet parties
But the answer is not yours
This is my boyfriend whom I love

Good morning my bird is
Let's wake up
It's time to wait
Good morning my old one
Let's get dressed
Already waiting for your girlfriend

Attention I'm still pittana
Who was walking all night yesterday
In the club, and then to the early
Songs mixed with friends
Maybe it's Andrew, can Emo Sasha
Maybe it's Potap in the rap's gurus
But the answer is not yours
This is my boyfriend whom I call!

Good morning my bird is
Let's wake up
It's time to wait
Good morning my old one
Let's get dressed
Already waiting for your girlfriend
I am
bird's bird

Good morning my bird is
Let's wake up
It's time to wait
Good morning my old one
Let's get dressed
Already waiting for your girlfriend

Good morning my bird is
Let's wake up
It's time to wait
Good morning my old one
Let's get dressed
Already waiting for your girlfriend
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