Lyrics Армейские песни - Чечня

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Date added
03.06.2018 | 22:20:04
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The lyrics of the song are provided for your reference Армейские песни - Чечня, and also a translation of a song with a video or clip.

Братишки, посвящается всем вам и родителям тех кто не с нами...кто отдал свою жизнь за Родину!...Мы не забудем их никогда..Спасибо всем за честь и доблесть!!!
(И не забудем про отцов наших - Афганцев, дедов и прадедов - всех, кто не посрамил свою честь и честь нашей Родины)
Не дай Бог такого никому...
Brothers, is dedicated to all of you and the parents of those who are not with us ... who gave their lives for their Motherland! ... We will never forget them .. Thank you all for the honor and valor !!!
(And we will not forget about our fathers - Afghans, grandfathers and great-grandfathers - all who did not disgrace their honor and honor of our Motherland)
 God forbid this to anyone ...